Anti-Misinformation Resources: The Catalog
Keeping track of and sharing all of the good stuff. If you see something missing, email and we'll add it!
Anti-misinformation is the defining cause of our time. The spread of misinformation has come to the forefront of the national conversation, and we have already experienced some of the damage it can do.
To tackle misinformation, we must begin with a shared meaning of the word. Prism advocates for a narrow, defensible definition: “misinformation” refers to assertions that are falsifiable and have been found to be false.
Our vision is of a community of anti-misinformation champions who help each other turn back the tide that has swept over us. We need
broad-based media, news, information, and science literacy;
tools for people to strengthen themselves and others and develop essential habits;
support to help people heal and rebuild the relationships capable of reaching those most in need;
fixes to the structures and systems that make misinformation profitable;
the means to collectively deter and shut down bad actors; and
organizational, financial, political, and informational support for the cause.
This Catalog is the informational support piece of the puzzle—pulling together existing knowledge and placing it all at the community’s fingertips—with the hope that it helps enable the rest of what we need to do.
We want this meta-resource to be useful for as many people as possible. Please share it!
If you like that this Catalog exists, you probably would also enjoy being subscribed to Prism’s weekly newsletter, This Week in Misinformation. Signing up is easy, we keep your email completely to ourselves, and it’s only one email per week:
And now, on to the resources! Click from the following Table of Contents to view resources by category: